Dorchester Primary School

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Proud to be part of

Hull Collaborative Academy Trust


Dorchester Primary School Staff

At Dorchester Primary School our staff go above and beyond to provide the best possible education for the children that we serve. At HCAT our motto is ‘children first’ and we place the children’s best interests at the heart of every decision that we make.

Everyone who works at our school, whatever their job, is here to contribute to an excellent education for our children.

Senior Leadership Team



Mr S Mills Headteacher 

Leadership and Management 

Health and Safety 

Attendance Champion 


Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead 

Mrs N van der Walt  Deputy Headteacher 



Personal Development

Mrs A Peskey 

Assistant Headteacher 

EYFS and KS1 Lead

Nursery Teacher

Writing Lead 

CPD Lead

ITT & Induction Lead

Mrs C Powell 

Interim Key Stage 2 Leader

Year 5/6 Teacher 

Teaching & Learning Lead

Curriculum Lead 

History Lead 

Mrs N Chironda


Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead 

Designated LAC Teacher 

Pupil Premium Lead

Mrs A Gasparelli 

Safeguarding Lead 

Attendance (Operational) 

Teaching Staff

Area Responsibilities 

Mrs A Peskey /

Mrs B Hamer 


Writing Lead

Religion and World Views Lead 

Mrs K Newman Reception



Miss K Platten  Year 1 

Phonics and Reading Lead

Mrs C Pullen /


Miss A Fletcher 

Year 2 

Art Lead & KS1 Enrichment/EVC

DT Lead 

Mr J Forster  Year 2 



Mrs S Patrick Year 3 

Maths Lead

Miss A Wilmot  Year 3/4 

MFL Lead 

LKS2 Enrichment Lead 

Mr S Woodward /

Mrs C Fisher 

Year 4 

PE Lead 

PSHE Lead 

Miss C Ede  Year 5 

Science Lead 

UKS2 Enrichment Lead 

Mrs C Powell Year 5/6

Curriculum Lead

History Lead

Mr M Prendergast  Year 6 

Computing Lead


Miss S Townsend  Hive 1 

Geography Lead

Assistant SENDCo 

Miss R Ashton  Hive 2 

Music Lead 

Assistant SENDCo 

Mrs A Jackson (maternity)


Support Staff

Mrs D Boothby  Emotional Wellbeing Worker 
Mrs A Cook Cover  Senior Achievement Support Assistant 
Mrs H Crosby  Cover  Senior Achievement Support Assistant 
Miss D Laud  Nursery  Senior Achievement Support Assistant 
Mrs L Rippin  Hive 1  Senior Achievement Support Assistant 
Mrs N Young  Hive 2  Senior Achievement Support Assistant 
Mrs J Hougton  Reception  Achievement Support Assistant 
Mrs C Brodie  Reception  Achievement Support Assistant 
Mrs C Pease  Reception  Achievement Support Assistant 
Miss K Gurnell  Year 1  Teaching Assistant 
Mrs V Hallett Year 2  Achievement Support Assistant 
Mr C Matinez Year 2  Achievement Support Assistant 
Miss E Welford  Year 3  Teaching Assistant 
Mrs C Webster  Year 3 / 4  Achievement Support Assistant 
Miss C Joyce  Year 4  Achievement Support Assistant 
Miss E Garrod Year 5 Teaching Assistant
Miss J Everett Year 5  Achievement Support Assistant 
Mrs P Kerry  Year 5 / 6  Achievement Support Assistant 
Mrs P Sizer  Year 5 / 6  Achievement Support Assistant 
Mrs S Graves  Year 6  Achievement Support Assistant 
Mrs K Gurnell Hive 1  Achievement Support Assistant 
Mrs P Fullard  Hive 1  Achievement Support Assistant 
Miss D Moody  Hive 1 Achievement Support Assistant 
Miss D Harries  Hive 2  Achievement Support Assistant 
Mrs C Whisker Hive 2  Achievement Support Assistant 
Mrs S Lowthorpe Interventions  Achievement Support Assistant 
Mrs S Scanlon 1:1  Teaching Assistant 
Miss J Pinder 1:1 Teaching Assistant


Administration Staff

Mrs S Smith  Office Manager 
Mrs N Adams  Administration Assistant (Finance) 
Mrs A Steer  Administration Assistant (Attendance) 
Miss E Wainwright  Administration Assistant 


Site Staff

Mr A Rand  Premise Manager 
Mr C Horton  Premise Assistant 
Mrs J Balderson  Cleaner
Mrs A Davidson  Cleaner
Mrs W Fox  Cleaner 
Miss J Webster Cleaner 


Lunchtime Staff

Mrs K Tait  Senior Lunchtime Supervisor 
Mrs J Baker  Lunchtime Supervisor 
Mrs W Fox  Lunchtime Supervisor 
Miss C Evans  Lunchtime Supervisor 
Miss E Webster Lunchtime Supervisor
Miss N Whurr Lunchtime Supervisor 
Miss E Wainwright  Lunchtime Supervisor 



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